
Install and update with pip:

$ pip install -U socs

You may install optional dependencies by including one or more agent group names on installation, for example:

$ pip3 install -U socs[labjack,pfeiffer]

The different groups, and the agents they provide dependencies for are:


Supporting Agents


All Agents


ACU Agent


Labjack Agent


Magpie Agent


Pfeiffer TC 400 Agent


Pysmurf Controller Agent


SMuRF File Emulator, SMuRF Stream Simulator


SMuRF Timing Card Agent

If you would like to install all optional dependencies use the special varient “all”:

$ pip3 install -U socs[all]


Some Agents have additional dependencies that cannot be installed with pip. Agents that have dependencies not supported by pip install of socs are listed below. See the Agent reference page for the particular agent you are trying to run for more details.

Installing from Source

To install from source, clone the respository and install with pip:

git clone
cd socs/
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install .


If you are expecting to develop socs code you should consider using the -e flag.


If you would like to install for just the local user, throw the –user flag when running

The SOCS Agents are kept in the agents/ sub-directory of the repository. Take note of the full path to the agents directory, as you will need to add it to the OCS site configuration file.

In some systems it may be advantageous to copy the scripts to a stable deployment location, outside the source tree (e.g. /usr/local/lib/socs). Currently SOCS does not provide any installation script to assist with this, but cp -r will work.

To make the Agent scripts usable within OCS, you must:

  • Ensure that any package dependencies for Agent scripts are satisfied. Note that you only need to install the dependencies for the specific Agents that you intend to run on the local system.

  • Edit the local system’s site config file to include the full path to the SOCS agents directory.

Site Config File

A configured OCS host will contain a site config file (SCF), which describes how to connect to the crossbar server as well as which Agents will run on the system.

To tell OCS about the SOCS agents, update the agent-paths setting in the host configuration block for your host. The agent-paths setting is a list of paths on the local system, which should already include the path to the base OCS installations agents. With that path included, you should then be able to add agent instance entries that refer to Agent classes defined in SOCS.

In the example below, we assume that the local hostname is special-host-1. The path to /usr/shared/lib/socs/agents has been added to the agent-paths variable, and a new Agent instance for the Lakeshore372 has been added to agent-instances list. Note that … is a place-holder for other configuration text.



  special-host-1: {

    # List of paths to Agent plugin modules.
    'agent-paths': [

    'agent-instances': [
      {'agent-class': 'Lakeshore372Agent',
       'instance-id': 'thermo1',
       'arguments': [['--serial-number', 'LSA21YC'],
                     ['--ip-address', '']]},