SupRsync Agent

The SupRsync agent keeps a local directory synced with a remote server. It continuously copies over new files to its destination, verifying the copy by checking the md5sum and deleting the local files after a specified amount of time if the local and remote checksums match.

usage: python3 [-h] --archive-name ARCHIVE_NAME --remote-basedir
                        REMOTE_BASEDIR --db-path DB_PATH [--ssh-host SSH_HOST]
                        [--ssh-key SSH_KEY]
                        [--delete-local-after DELETE_LOCAL_AFTER]
                        [--max-copy-attempts MAX_COPY_ATTEMPTS]
                        [--copy-timeout COPY_TIMEOUT]
                        [--cmd-timeout CMD_TIMEOUT]
                        [--files-per-batch FILES_PER_BATCH]
                        [--sleep-time SLEEP_TIME] [--compression]
                        [--bwlimit BWLIMIT] --suprsync-file-root

Agent Options


Name of managed archive. Determines which files should be copied


Base directory on the remote server where files will be copied


Path to the suprsync sqlite db


Remote host to copy files to (e.g. ‘<user>@<host>’). If None, will copy files locally


Path to ssh-key needed to access remote host


Time (sec) after which this agent will delete local copies of successfully transfered files. If None, will not delete files.


Number of failed copy attempts before the agent will stop trying to copy a file

Default: 5


Time (sec) before the rsync command will timeout


Time (sec) before remote commands will timeout


Number of files to copy over per batch. Default is None, which will copy over all available files.


Time to sleep (sec) in between copy iterations

Default: 60


Activate gzip on data transfer (rsync -z)

Default: False


Bandwidth limit arg (passed through to rsync)


Local path where agent will write suprsync files

Configuration File Examples

Below is an example of what the SupRsync configuration might look like on a smurf-server, with an instance copying g3 files and an instance copying smurf auxiliary files.

OCS Site Config

Below is an example configuration that copies files to the base directory /path/to/base/dir on a remote system. This will delete successfully transferred files after 7 days, or 604800 seconds:

{'agent-class': 'SupRsync',
 'instance-id': 'timestream-sync',
   '--archive-name', 'timestreams',
   '--remote-basedir', '/path/to/base/dir/timestreams',
   '--db-path', '/data/so/dbs/suprsync.db',
   '--ssh-host', '<user>@<hostname>',
   '--ssh-key', '<path_to_ssh_key>',
   '--delete-local-after', '604800',
   '--max-copy-attempts', '10',
   '--copy-timeout', '60',
   '--cmd-timeout', '5',
   '--suprsync-file-root', '/data/so/suprsync',

{'agent-class': 'SupRsync',
 'instance-id': 'smurf-sync',
   '--archive-name', 'smurf',
   '--remote-basedir', '/path/to/base/dir/smurf',
   '--db-path', '/data/so/dbs/suprsync.db',
   '--ssh-host', '<user>@<hostname>',
   '--ssh-key', '<path_to_ssh_key>',
   '--delete-local-after', '604800',
   '--max-copy-attempts', '10',
   '--copy-timeout', '20',
   '--cmd-timeout', '5',
   '--suprsync-file-root', '/data/so/suprsync',


Make sure you add the public-key corresponding to the ssh id file you will be using to the remote server using the ssh-copy-id function.


If for some reason the user running the suprsync agent does not have file permissions, if the --delete-local-after param is set the agent will crash when trying to delete files. In such an environment, make sure this option is not used.

Docker Compose

Below is a sample docker-compose entry for the SupRsync agents. Because the data we’ll be transfering is owned by the cryo:smurf user, we set that as the user of the agent so it has the correct permissions. This is only possible because the cryo:smurf user is already built into the SuprSync docker:

     image: simonsobs/socs:latest
     hostname: ocs-docker
     user: cryo:smurf
     network_mode: host
     container_name: ocs-timestream-sync
         - INSTANCE_ID=timestream-sync
         - SITE_HUB=ws://${CB_HOST}:8001/ws
         - SITE_HTTP=http://${CB_HOST}:8001/call
         - ${OCS_CONFIG_DIR}:/config
         - /data:/data
         - /home/cryo/.ssh:/home/cryo/.ssh

     image: simonsobs/socs:latest
     hostname: ocs-docker
     user: cryo:smurf
     network_mode: host
     container_name: ocs-smurf-sync
         - INSTANCE_ID=smurf-sync
         - SITE_HUB=ws://${CB_HOST}:8001/ws
         - SITE_HTTP=http://${CB_HOST}:8001/call
         - ${OCS_CONFIG_DIR}:/config
         - /data:/data
         - /home/cryo/.ssh:/home/cryo/.ssh


If copying to a remote host from a docker container it is required that the corresponding ssh-key is also mounted into the container, and that it belongs to the user inside of the container with permission 600. The configuration above works because the cryo user in the container is the same as the one on the host, so the .ssh directory is already properly configured. For instance if using an ocs user in the docker, you may want to add a .ssh directory for the ocs user on the host (with correct permissions) and mount that directory into the container.

Copying Files

The SupRsync agent works by monitoring a table of files to be copied in a sqlite database. The full table is described here, but importantly it contains information such as the full local path, the remote path relative to a base directory determined by the SupRsync cfg, checksumming info, several timestamps, and an “archive” name which is used to determine which SupRsync agent should manage each file. This makes it possible for multiple SupRsync agents to monitor the same db, but write their archives to different base-directories or remote computers.


This agent does not remove empty directories, since I can’t think of a foolproof way to determine whether or not more files will be written to a given directory, and pysmurf output directories will likely have unregistered files that stick around even after copied files have been removed. I think it’s probably best to have a separate cronjob make that determination and remove directory husks.

Adding Files to the SupRsyncFiles Database

To add a file to the SupRsync database, you can use the SupRsyncFiles Manager class as follows:

from socs.db.suprsync import SupRsyncFilesManager

local_abspath = '/path/to/local/file.g3'
remote_relpath = 'remote/path/file.g3'
archive = 'timestreams'
srfm = SupRsyncFilesManager('/path/to/suprsync.db')
srfm.add_file(local_abspath, remote_relpath, archive)

The SupRsync agent will then copy the file /path/to/local/file.g3 to the <remote_basedir>/remote/path/file.g3 on the remote server (or locally if none is specified). If the --delete-local-after option is used, the original file will be deleted after the specified amount of time.

Interfacing with Smurf

The primary use case of this agent is copying files from the smurf-server to a daq node or simons1. The pysmurf monitor agent now populates the files table with both pysmurf auxiliary files (using the archive name “smurf”) and g3 timestream files (using the archive name “timestreams”), as described in this section. On the smurf-server we’ll be running one SupRsync agent for each of these two archives.

Timecode Directories

For data packaging, file destinations are usually grouped into timecode directories, based on the first 5-digits of the ctime at which the file was created. Destination paths (or remote_paths in the db) will typically look like:

<remote_basedir>/<5-digit timecode>/<any-number-of-subdirs>/<filename>

where the remote-basedir is set in the suprsync site config, and everything after is what is registered as the remote_path in the suprsync database.

With this schema, it is important to transmit information that will allow downstream processors to determine whether or not a timecode directory is complete, as opposed to not copied over yet.

The SupRsync database will now automatically detect the timecode directory of new files that are added, and will track whether a timecode directory is complete (meaning suprsync expects no new files will be added) and synced (that all files in the timecode directory have been synced).

Once a timecode directory is complete and fully synced, suprsync will write a finalization file:

<timestamp>_<archive_name>_<dir timecode>_finalized.yaml

that will contain information about the timecode directory, including the number of files that this suprsync instance has synced over, the sub-directories that this suprsync instance has added to, the instance-id of the suprsync agent, and the finalization time. The directory on the local host that these files will be written to is set using the --suprsync-file-root argument, and the path on the remote host will be automatically generated.

Timecode Dir Completion Requirements

A timecode directory will be marked as complete if any of the following are true:

  • There are files in the suprsync archive written to a newer timecode directory

  • tc_now - tc_directory > 1, or we are roughly 1 day past when the timecode directory ended.


For example, say we have a suprsync agent running on smurf-srv20 with instance-id smurf-sync-srv20, with suprsync-file-root = /data/so/suprsync. Suppose that at timestamp 1686152766 this agent detects that all files in the timecode directory 16750 of the smurf archive have been successfully synced. This agent will write the local file:


This file will be synced to the remote path:


where it can be processed by downstream data packaging software.

Agent API

class socs.agents.suprsync.agent.SupRsync(agent, args)[source]

Agent to rsync files to a remote (or local) destination, verify successful transfer, and delete local files after a specified amount of time.

  • agent (OCSAgent) – OCS agent object

  • args (Namespace) – Namespace with parsed arguments


OCS agent object




txaio logger object, created by the OCSAgent




Name of the managed archive. Sets which files in the suprsync db should be copied.




Remote host to copy data to. If None, will copy data locally.


str, optional


ssh-key to use to access the ssh host.


str, optional


Base directory on the destination server to copy files to




Path of the sqlite db to monitor




Seconds after which this agent will delete successfully copied files.




Time (sec) for which cmds run on the remote will timeout




Time (sec) after which a copy command will timeout




Process - Main run process for the SupRsync agent. Continuosly checks the suprsync db checking for files that need to be handled.


The session data object contains info about recent transfers:

>>> response.session['data']
  "activity": "idle",
  "timestamp": 1661284493.5398622,
  "last_copy": {
    "start_time": 1661284493.5333128,
    "files": [],
    "stop_time": 1661284493.5398622
  "archive_stats": {
    "smurf": {
        "finalized_until": 1687797424.652119,
        "num_files": 3,
        "uncopied_files": 0,
        "last_file_added": "/path/to/file",
        "last_file_copied": "/path/to/file"
  "counters": {
    "iterations": 1,
    "copies": 0,
    "errors_timeout": 0,
    "errors_nonzero": 0

Supporting APIs

SupRsyncFiles Table

class socs.db.suprsync.SupRsyncFile(**kwargs)[source]

Files table utilized by the SupRsync agent.


Absolute path of the local file to be copied




locally calculated checksum




Name of the archive, i.e. timestreams or smurf. Each archive is managed by its own SupRsync instance, so they can be copied to different base-dirs or hosts.




Path of the file on the remote server relative to the base-dir. specified in the SupRsync agent config.




Md5sum calculated on remote machine


String, optional


Timestamp that file was added to db




Time at which file was transfered


Float, optional


Time at which file was removed from local server.


Float, optional


Number of failed copy attempts




Whether file should be deleted after copying




If true, file will be ignored by SupRsync agent and not included in finalized_until.



SupRsyncFiles Manager

class socs.db.suprsync.SupRsyncFilesManager(db_path, create_all=True, echo=False)[source]

Helper class for accessing and adding entries to the SupRsync files database.

  • db_path (path) – path to sqlite db

  • create_all (bool) – Create table if it hasn’t been generated yet.

  • echo (bool) – If true, writes sql statements to stdout

get_finalized_until(archive_name, session=None)[source]

Returns a timetamp for which all files preceding are either successfully copied, or ignored. If all files are copied, returns the current time.

  • archive_name (String) – Archive name to get finalized_until for

  • session (sqlalchemy session) – SQLAlchemy session to use. If none is passed, will create a new session

add_file(local_path, remote_path, archive_name, local_md5sum=None, timestamp=None, session=None, deletable=True)[source]

Adds file to the SupRsyncFiles table.

  • local_path (String) – Absolute path of the local file to be copied

  • remote_path (String) – Path of the file on the remote server relative to the base-dir. specified in the SupRsync agent config.

  • archive_name (String) – Name of the archive, i.e. timestreams or smurf. Each archive is managed by its own SupRsync instance, so they can be copied to different base-dirs or hosts.

  • local_md5sum (String, optional) – locally calculated checksum. If not specified, will calculate md5sum automatically.

  • session (sqlalchemy session) – Session to use to add the SupRsyncFile. If None, will create a new session and commit afterwards.

  • deletable (bool) – If true, can be deleted by suprsync agent

get_copyable_files(archive_name, session=None, max_copy_attempts=None, num_files=None)[source]
Gets all SupRsyncFiles that are copyable, meaning they satisfy:
  • local and remote md5sums do not match

  • Failed copy attempts is below the max number of attempts

  • archive_name (string) – Name of archive to get files from

  • session (sqlalchemy session) – Session to use to get files. If none is specified, one will be created. You need to specify this if you wish to change file data and commit afterwards.

  • max_copy_attempts (int) – Max number of failed copy atempts

  • num_files (int) – Number of files to return

get_deletable_files(archive_name, delete_after, session=None)[source]

Gets all files that are deletable, meaning that the local and remote md5sums match, and they have existed longer than delete_after seconds.

  • archive_name (str) – Name of archive to pull files from

  • delete_after (float) – Time since creation (in seconds) for which it’s ok to delete files.

  • session (sqlalchemy session) – Session to use to query files.

get_known_files(archive_name, session=None, min_ctime=None)[source]

Gets all files. This can be used to help avoid double-registering files.

  • archive_name (str) – Name of archive to pull files from

  • session (sqlalchemy session) – Session to use to query files.

  • min_ctime (float, optional) – minimum ctime to use when querying files.

TimecodeDir Table

class socs.db.suprsync.TimecodeDir(**kwargs)[source]

Table for information about ‘timecode’ directories. These are directories in particular archives such as ‘smurf’ that we care about tracking whether or not they’ve completed syncing.

Timecode directories must start with a 5-digit time-code.


Timecode for directory. Must be 5 digits, and will be roughly 1 a day.




Archive the directory is in.




True if we expect no more files to be added to this directory.




True if all files in this directory have been synced to the remote.




True if the ‘finalization’ file has been written and added to the db.




ID for the SupRsyncFile object that is the finalization file for this timecode dir.

