UCSC Radiometer Agent

The UCSC Radiometer Agent monitors the PWV through the UCSC Radiometer web server.

usage: python3 agent.py [-h] [--url URL] [--test-mode]

Agent Options


url for radiometer web server


Determines whether agent runs in test mode.Default is False.

Default: False


The UCSC Radiometer Agent requires the UCSC Radiometer Server. This server runs where the radiometer data files are written and makes readings available to the Agent over HTTP.

Configuration File Examples

Below are configuration examples for the ocs config file and for running the Agent in a docker container

OCS Site Config

To configure the UCSC Radiometer Agent we need to a UCSCRadiometerAgent block to our ocs configuration file. Here is an example configuration block using all of the available arguments:

{'agent-class': 'UCSCRadiometerAgent',
 'instance-id': 'pwvs',
 'arguments':[['--url', '']]},


The --url argument should be the address of the Flask server on the Web which is publishing pwv data from a server connected to the radiometer on-site.

Docker Compose

The UCSC Radiometer Agent should be configured to run in a Docker container. An example docker-compose service configuration is shown here:

     image: simonsobs/socs:latest
     hostname: ocs-docker
     network_mode: host
         - ${OCS_CONFIG_DIR}:/config
         - INSTANCE_ID=pwvs


The UCSC radiometer measures precipitable water vapor (pwv) of the atmosphere, and outputs the values to disk on a computer at the site where OCS is not setup. A web server makes the PWV values available over HTTP. The Agent requests the PWV data and then publishes it to OCS.

Agent API

class socs.agents.ucsc_radiometer.agent.UCSCRadiometerAgent(agent, url)[source]

Monitor the PWV Flask Server.

  • agent (OCS Agent) – OCSAgent object which forms this Agent

  • url (str) – url of the radiometer web server on the internet


Process - Fetch values from PWV Flask Server


test_mode (bool, option) – Run the Process loop only once. Meant only for testing. Default is False.


The most recent data collected is stored in session data in the following structure:

>>> response.session['data']
{'timestamp': 1678820419.0,
 'pwv': 0.49253026985972237}