Lakeshore 372 Simulator

The Lakeshore 372 Simulator is meant to mock a Model 372 AC Resistance Bridge from Lakeshore Cryotronics. This is useful for testing code when you do not have access to a Lakeshore 372.

The simulator listens on a specified port for a connection as if you were interacting with a 372 and interprets commands and queries in a similar manner to the real device.


While not all commands are supported, the ones in use by the Lakeshore 372 Agent are.

usage: python3 [-h] [-p PORT] [--num-channels NUM_CHANNELS]
                                  [--sn SN] [--log-file LOG_FILE] [-o]

Named Arguments

-p, --port

Port which simulator will wait for a connection. If taken, it will test several consecutive ports until it finds one that is free.

Default: 50000


Number of channels which the simulator will have.

Default: 16


Serial number for the device

Default: “LSASIM”


File where logs are written

-o, --log-stdout

Log to stdout

Default: False

Configuration File Examples

Below are configuration examples for the ocs config file and for running the simulator in a docker container.


The LS372 Simulator is not an OCS Agent, however, you might want to run the Lakeshore 372 Agent to interact with the LS372 Simulator. See the Lakeshore 372 Agent page for configuration file details. The address and port will depend on where you run the simulator, and your selected port.


The simulator can be configured to run in a Docker container. An example docker-compose service configuration is shown here:

  image: ocs-lakeshore372-simulator
    - "7777:7777"