ACTi Camera Agent

The ACTi Camera Agent is an OCS Agent which grabs screenshots from ACTi cameras and saves files to a directory.

usage: python3 [-h]
                        [--camera-addresses CAMERA_ADDRESSES [CAMERA_ADDRESSES ...]]
                        [--locations LOCATIONS [LOCATIONS ...]]
                        [--resolutions RESOLUTIONS [RESOLUTIONS ...]]
                        [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD]
                        [--mode {acq,test}]

Agent Options


List of camera IP addresses.


List of camera locations.


List of resolution and quality. Ex: N640x480,100 where 100 is quality %.


Username of camera.


Password of camera.


Possible choices: acq, test

Configuration File Examples

Below are configuration examples for the ocs config file and for running the Agent in a docker container.

OCS Site Config

To configure the ACTi Camera Agent we need to add a ACTiCameraAgent block to our ocs configuration file. Here is an example configuration block using all of the available arguments:

{'agent-class': 'ACTiCameraAgent',
 'instance-id': 'cameras',
 'arguments': [['--mode', 'acq'],
               ['--camera-addresses', ['', '', '']],
               ['--locations', ['location1', 'location2', 'location3']],
               ['--resolutions', ['N640x480,100', 'N640x480,100', 'N640x480,100']],
               ['--user', 'admin'],
               ['--password', 'password']]},


The --camera-addresses argument should be a list of the IP addresses of the cameras on the network. The --locations argument should be a list of names for camera locations. This should be in the same order as the list of IP addresses. The --resolutions argument should be a list of resolutions for each camera. For example, N640x480,100 gives a 640x480 image with 100% quality.

Docker Compose

The iBootbar Agent should be configured to run in a Docker container. An example docker-compose service configuration is shown here:

  image: simonsobs/socs:latest
  hostname: ocs-docker
    - INSTANCE_ID=cameras
    - SITE_HUB=ws://
    - SITE_HTTP=
    - LOGLEVEL=info
    - ${OCS_CONFIG_DIR}:/config:ro
    - /mnt/nfs/data/cameras:/screenshots
  user: 9000:9000

The LOGLEVEL environment variable can be used to set the log level for debugging. The default level is “info”. The volume must mount to /screenshots. The user must have permissions to write to the mounted local directory.


The ACTi cameras will be used to monitor conditions at the SO site. The ACTi Camera Agent periodically (1 minute) grabs screenshots from each camera on the network. The images are saved to a location on disk. A webserver should then be configured to serve this directory to some URL. Then we can use HTML to access the webserver and display latest.jpg for an up-to-date view of the camera. For example, this can be done directly in Grafana using the Text panel in HTML mode.

Agent API

class socs.agents.acti_camera.agent.ACTiCameraAgent(agent, camera_addresses, locations, user, password, resolutions=None)[source]

Grab screenshots from ACTi cameras.

  • agent (OCSAgent) – OCSAgent object which forms this Agent

  • camera_addresses (list) – List of IP addresses (as strings) of cameras.

  • user (str) – Username of cameras.

  • password (str) – Password of cameras.


OCSAgent object which forms this Agent




Tracks whether or not the agent is actively issuing requests to grab screenshots from cameras. Setting to false stops sending commands.




txaio logger object, created by the OCSAgent




Process - Grab screenshots from ACTi cameras.


test_mode (bool, optional) – Run the Process loop only once. Meant only for testing. Default is False.


The most recent data collected is stored in in the structure:

>>> response.session['data']
# for each camera
{'location1': {'location': 'location1',
             'last_attempt': 1701983575.032506,
             'connected': True,
             'address': ''},
 'location2': ...